Pop Quiz: If you want to encourage students to complete a project or assignment with creativity, innovation, and passion, what's the best tool to motivate them? a. offer a high grade b. threaten a low grade c. make it a competition d. offer a gift certificate to GameStop e. chocolate covered iPod f. none of the above According to Daniel Pink's latest book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us , the answer is f, as in fail. In fact, the evidence is overwhelming that all of the above carrots and sticks actually reduce performance and undermine motivation. When it comes to tasks that require problem solving or other right brain activities, people perform best when they are given autonomy over their tasks, opportunity for mastery in their field, and a sense that the task has a clear and meaningful purpose. Those who have read Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers, Carol Dweck's Mindset, and Levitt and Dubner's Freakonomics will find much familiar, but ...