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Google Certified English Teachers Hung Out

This afternoon a few fellow Google Certified Teachers who teach English hung out on air with me in a Google Hangout On Air. We thought it might be fun to share some of the things we were doing in the classroom, and it turned out to be a ton of fun. We held a conversation across California, New York, and London with Jen Roberts, Catlin Tucker, Carol LaRow, and David Read. I am completely energized with new ideas for using Docs in the English classroom.
Here is the video of the Hangout.

Then tonight Diane Main mentioned our Hangout on the Google Educast.

Also see Jen's blogpost about the event here.

I have to say, Hangouts are amazing! This is exactly the tool we needed a year ago with the SchoolsAndTech podcast. We'll definitely need to have more of these in the future.


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